Cáp quang multimode 12FO

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Cáp quang multimode 12FO
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Cáp quang multimode 12FO | 12 sợi | 12 lõi | 12 core | Cáp quang đa mode OM2 OM3 OM4 OM5

Cáp quang multimode 12FO MM OM2, Single-Armored Single-Jacket, Central Loose Tube, Steel-wire Strength Member, Waterproof Outdoor Cable GYXTW. GYXTW single-armored cables feature central loose tube wrapped with a layer of PSP longitudinally, excellent crush-resistant performance. Between the PSP and the loose tube water-blocking material is applied to keep the cable compact and watertight. Two parallel steel wires are placed at the two sides of the steel tape, to ensure tensile strength. The cable is completed with a single polyethylene (PE) sheath. It’s suitable for installation in aerial or duct environment for communication between bureaus, metropolitan network, access network and is especially suitable for the situation where high-density fibers is expected.

Số lượng sợi: 12 sợi 
Sức mạnh Thành viên Vật liệu: Dây thép 
Loại sợi: Singlemode G.652D (Mặc định) 
Lớp áo giáp: PSP 
Vỏ bọc bên ngoài: PE (Mặc định)

Tính năng, đặc điểm

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Ứng dụng

  • Chế độ đặt: Trên không & Ống dẫn / ống dẫn.
  • Mạng lưới văn phòng.
  • Mạng lưới đô thị.
  • Truy cập mạng

Thông số

Cable Type Single-Armored Outdoor Fiber Count 12 Fibers
Construction Central Loose Tube Fiber Type Multimode 50/125 OM3
Outer Jacket Material PE(Black) Strength Member Material Steel Wire
Cable Diameter 8.0mm Weight 85kg/km
Armor Layer Corrugated Steel Tape Application Aerial and Duct
Tensile Strength (long/short term) 600/1500(N) Crush Load (long/short term) 300/1000 (N/100mm)
Bending Radius (long/short term) 10D/20D(mm) Operating/Storage Temperature -40 to +60°C

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Mã sản phẩm: C1300-48P-4X-EU


Mã sản phẩm: C1300-48T-4X-EU